2024 – English

ECUMENICAL PRAYER FOR PEACE 2024 | Photo: Hartmut Schwarzbach / missio

» The prayer «

In you O God Almighty,
we contemplate the splendor of true love.
To You we turn with trust.

Deliver us in your righteousness
and grant that our families and communities
may be places of communion and prayer.

We pray for our families and communities
who experience all forms of violence,
delusion, rejection, division and isolation.

May all who have been hurt or victimized,
find comfort and healing in you,
O Prince of Peace.
May you be the calm in our storms,
the strength in our weakness
and the Light unto our darkness.

O Lord, grant us your peace in our mind, body and soul.
Save us from all that is causing us distress, grief and sorrow.

And give us strength and wisdom to protect the creation –
your gift for us.

Turn your merciful gaze upon us, grant us your blessing
and surround us with your constant protection
so that we may sing your praises with one voice.

May your boundless mercy rest upon us.

O Lord, graciously hear us.


The Ecumenical Prayer for Peace 2024 in:


About the author

Helen Oa hails from a settlement in Port Moresby marked by high crime, violence, and prostitution. She works for the Catholic Bishops‘ Conference of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands and actively participates in the „Divine Mercy Apostolate“ association. Helen represented Oceania in its world congresses in Bogota and Samoa. This movement operates globally, engaging in activities such as „prayer walks“ in impoverished areas to encourage traumatized women to discuss their problems and „adopt a youth“ programs for vulnerable young people.

The photo

Titelfoto des Ökumenischen Friedensgebetes 2024: Auch die Frauen der „Katholischen Frauengruppe Solena“ auf der Koralleninsel Sohano, die zum Archipel der Salomonen gehört, engagieren sich gegen den Klimawandel und beten für die Rettung ihrer Insel, die zunehmend im Meer unterzugehen droht.

The women of the „Catholic Women‘s Group Solena“ on the coral island of Sohano, part of the Solomon Islands archipelago, actively engage in combating climate change. They fervently pray for the salvation of their island, increasingly at risk of being submerged by the sea.

Photo: Hartmut Schwarzbach / missio

The state

In Papua New Guinea, more than 8.45 million people live, with approximately 90% identifying as Christians. The country suffers from the constraints of globalization, where multinational corporations exploit natural resources, endangering the environment. Traditional family structures face pressure, and the unfulfilled promise of prosperity due to governmental mismanagement frustrates the population. Additionally, there is an increasing threat from the consequences of climate change.

You can find out more about Papua New Guinea on Wikipedia, for example.


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The Ecumenical Prayer for Peace 2024 in:
